About Our Clinic
Katikati Medical Centre is based in the rural town of Katikati , 40kms north of Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty.
With 12 Doctors , 12 Practice Nurses, 4 Healthcare Assistants and a supporting administration team, we provide a full range of Primary Health Care services to our 9,500 enrolled patients.
We are Cornerstone accredited which is recognition by the NZ College of GP’s that we have reached their very high standard and that we have processes in place to ensure we are continually improving and learning.
Our clinical staff are well qualified to deliver a range of health services to the local community from the newborn to the elderly. All doctors and nurses are PRIME trained providing emergency medical care in conjunction with St Johns. We care for residents in two local rest homes –Radius Lexham Park and Summerset by the Sea.
We work with a range of other health professionals in the Katikati Health Centre complex to meet the total health needs of the Katikati community.
Our Mission Statement:
“Integrated and Equitable
Healthcare for our Community”